
The 24 hour spar, the light at the end of the tunnel for many a confused student. Don’t get alarmed if you find yourself purchasing a packet of biscuits and coffee there at 5 am and bump into someone you know doing the same thing.

<Mr_T> so tell me more about spar<aneurin> well, in aberystwyth there be two spar shops-- or as the local resident population tend to call "siopiau". One is open 24 hours except on rare occasions and boasts a larger stock. The smaller spar closes at around 11pm but sometimes before. Staff in the larger spar tend to keep employment-- the turnover is infrequent and staff usually become quite efficient, especially with regard to smoking accessories-- <aneurin> they usually have the foresight to pre-empt requirements for skins when you buy tobacco etc. All in all, 7/10. losing points for enduring Spar Radio when stoned and stuck in a queue full of chavs, just after being heckled by a hobo wanting booze<Mr_T> good story

Aneurin is clearly dellusional/drunk. There are in fact (at least) THREE spars in the vicinity on Aberystwyth. The third being in Waunfawr. Not a lot of people realise that it’s open until 10pm even on Sundays, with co-op closing at 4pm.

<aimaz> "she wants me to pay now money is in my pocket... she's looking at me in a strange way... i can't wait to eat my yoghurt"

Nah, that’s crap -there are four – one on Penchavau road as well.

Bah, nobody except the peasants living on campus care about that Spar! –aneurin

So you see, there’s no reason to cut short that Sunday lie in in a rush to get to co-op

“What’s open?”

“The SPAR, of course”

Before the ‘SPAR’ was the petrol station, where scared looking people would offer you randomly chosen products through a wire grill

Normal conversation would go


Hello, you want a mars bar

er no


What about this packet of crisps

Er no


Look here, I have 4 types of crap bread, was it that you wanted

Er no, can I have a pack of mints

What?! There right over there, its a 2 second trip. I will get them but make you know I am disgusted at you for making me do my job

Here, Take them and leave.Quickly


The horror of that is ended….