St. Mary’s Hall
“Conditions of Tenancy”
1. Courtesy and consideration by residents towards each other is a pre-requisite of tenancy.
2. St Mary’s is situated in a peaceful residential area and it is expected that residents and guests in and out of the building bear this in mind at all times when leaving the building and car park. Please keep noise to a minimum.
3. Doors must not be propped open. All the doors are there for your protection from fire, and to do so would contravene fire regulations making liable the culprit to prosecution.
4. No smoking in communal areas. Failure to comply will probably result in a smoke alarm going off.
5. All communal areas including the kitchen and car park must be kept clean and tidy and clear of obstruction.
6. Key pad and phone entry system is there for your safety; to give the number to non-residents can threaten yours and others safety. Do not allow strangers in under any pretext.
7. Do not use the laundrette after 10.30pm or before 8am.
8. No pets (no matter how cute and cuddly).
9. Padlocks on food lockers become the responsibility of the resident on occupancy. No spare keys are kept.
10. All rubbish to be disposed of in plastic bags and placed in mobile dustbin in the car park. Collected on Tuesdays.
11. Residents putting up posters on their room walls are advised to use Blu Tac not Cellotape. Decorational damage occasioned by posters or like will not be considered fair wear and tear.
12. To notify the Landlord if you intend to leave your room unoccupied for 7 days or more.
13. The damage deposit will be returned to the resident at the expiry of tenancy after the return of keys and inspection of room.
14. A guest is somebody who stays occasionally (no more than one night) otherwise it is sub-letting and in breach of tenancy. Management reserves the right to withdraw this privelege.
15. Repairs and maintenance. Report all matters requiring repairs and maintenance to the management.
16. Please note that all personal contents of rooms are not insured. We suggest you make enquiries on your personal household policy.
17. Parking. For easy identification, residents are supplied with a parking sticker for display. Also please use the side car park as the front is for emergency / service vehicles only.
18. No un-road worthy vehicles to be left in the car park. If so a charge of £5 per day will be made.
19. Notes displayed by the management for the benefit of residents must be adhered to.
20. No other heating other than the convention [sic] heaters supplied may be used. They must not be covered as this could pose a fire hazard.
21. Do not remove the key fobs supplied with the keys.
22. Please note the two receptacles for disposal of sanitary towels. It is essential that all sanitary towels are disposed of in this way otherwise blockage in drain will occur. Such blockages will be charged for.
23. All bicycles are to be kept in the bike rack in the car park or room and NOT in the halls.
24. Rent discount only applies if all rent is paid by standing order, otherwise a charge of £5 per week will be levied.