
In light of the fact I don’t have time to set up my own website, I though I’d use Someone_Elses_Discspace and be a bit more descriptive

Real name: Steve Caddy

Date of birth: 3rd April 1978

Currently residing in: Newark-on-Trent, Notts

Job: Software Engineer for ITS Retail Systems, writing those POS thingies you see in those shop things when you’re not having a Five_Finger_Discount

Hobbies: Lots. I’m afraid I’ve been bitten by the wiki editing bug (see DynEdit), but I’m sure it’ll wear off in a week or two. I’m a licensed Amateur_Radio operator (callsign 2E0FKH), you can usually catch me causing havoc on the 2 metre band, particularly the repeaters (I regularly haunt GB3IN, echolink node 98258, around 23:00 local). I’m also very involved in Broadcast_Radio (having just finished wiring the studios at Boundary Sound in Newark, I’ll flip if I see another XLR plug). When I’m not doing any of that I’m also a church organist and bell ringer (insert jokes here). I sometimes have time to be interested in computers, and run a mixture of Linux file servers and Win2k desktop machines.

Famed for: Out of date news on BitterNet #aber, and throwing a monumental strop back in about March 2001, and I haven’t been back there very much since.

Other notes: Lived in the (un)forgettable stmh in 2000-2001 at the same time as Kat and m0ng, but dof was off working somewhere during that year. Loved sharing a 56k modem with 10 other people. Honest.

Blog at http://dynsworld.blogspot.com/

Look, I didn’t used to edit wikis on a regular basis, and I frequently get this all completely ^%£$”£^$£5


See DynEdit