
“Hey hey kids, welcome to another exciting edition of ‘C and UNIX’, in today’s lecture we’ll be looking at the amazing C”

As well as teaching C UNIX Dave is also the host of “Dave Price and how I invented the Internet Show”

Some have noted the above similarity..

soooi is not a fluffoi languyge. yow know.

Best Seller:


And now Dave Price is an emerging figure in music, with the new genre dapstep http://tinyurl.com/davepricesong

A fun game to play during Dave’s lectures is ‘Dave The Price is Right’, players must guess if Dave’s next hand gesture is higher or lower.

When asked why his computer was called “moine”, he actually answered “Because it’s moine!”

but Frank Bott didn’t invent the interwabe now did he?

The whatily whatdoodle?

Dave Price will lay the smackdown on your laptop’s candy ass.

The inter-super-global-mega-web-net. As invented by Dave.

Other inventions include ISDN, Multimedia Desktop and (coming soon) ADSL!!

I heard he has a switch in his office to turn the inter-mega-web on and off…

Currently developing “The internet mkII”.

Invented ISDN…missed the broadband revolution by 2 years!

The Helmut Rides Again!!!

Has a private satellite network that he lauched from his back garden using left over washing up bottles and discarded metal from local skips. Will use the network to broadcast “The Train Channel” and “Black Country Steam Engine Channel”.

Regardless of any module he teaches, the first five lectures WILL be about the history of computers and networks. Guaranteed!

Hasn’t used a computer in 8 years.

Averages over 100 “All rights” in an hour of lecture, longest unconfirmed combo was composed of at least 5 of them: “All right, ok, so, right…., All right, all right, so the GNU Compiler, all right ?”

Is the current lecturer for CS10410, when asked who’s slides they are “They’re not “moine”, they’re Edels!”

“SHUUUSH!” “I wanna talk about sex erm I mean sets”

Hand delivers all packet requests from the Solarium’s SunRays.