

  • 1 Current Book
    • 1.1 Aimaz
    • 1.2 Aneurin
    • 1.3 AziraMai
    • 1.4 baitman
    • 1.5 beefalo
    • 1.6 Braingrind
    • 1.7 hypno
    • 1.8 horizon5
    • 1.9 jonatab
    • 1.10 Jonneh
    • 1.11 Katana100
    • 1.12 meTimes1
    • 1.13 Moriarty
    • 1.14 MrT
    • 1.15 Oliver
    • 1.16 Orakio
    • 1.17 Parag0n
    • 1.18 Perelandra
    • 1.19 shigs
    • 1.20 smallmouth
    • 1.21 Spectre
    • 1.22 swb
    • 1.23 TangerineWolf
    • 1.24 Ulti
    • 1.25 von
    • 1.26 wispy

Current Book

A place to blod all the good books you are reading, isbn and or amazon links would be nice!

Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent,literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.They are engines of change, windows on the world, lighthouses erected in thesea of time. --Barbara W. Tuchman

WTF Jonneh beat me in finishing a book?! –Ultima

  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert M Pirsig
  • Counterknowledge – Damien Thompson
  • Slaughterhouse-Five – Kurt Vonnegut
  • Last Exit to Brooklyn – Hubert Selby
  • Love in the time of Cholera – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • The Amber Spyglass – Philip Pullman
  • Number Ten – Sue Townsend
  • Canoe Lake – Roy MacGregor – Semi True story surrounding the mysterious death of canadian painter Tom Thomson.
  • Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell – Susanna Clarke – Very long winded and only finishing it out of subborness.
  • 1984 – George Orwell
  • Evolutionary Ecology: concepts and case studies – Fox, C.W et al.
  • The Cichlid Fishes: natures grand experiment in evolution – Barlow, G.W.
  • Sexual selection – Andersson, M.
  • Modes of Speciation – White, M.J.D.

The End of Faith – Sam Harris

  • Kingdom Of Fear, Hunter S Thompson
  • Brazilian Adventure, Peter Fleming
  • The Character Of Physical Law – Richard P. Feynman
  • The Misson Song – John Le Carre
  • Shadow of the Giant – Orson Scott Card
  • February 2008 – Maxim
  • Freakonomics – Steven Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
  • Java for beginners
  • Wheel of time: New arping
  • Have I Got News For You – Ged Parsons
  • Open Life – Henrik Ingo
  • The Possibility of an Island, Michel Houellebecq
  • The Letters of William S. Burroughs 1945-1959.
  • Mexico City Blues, Jack Kerouac
  • Fight Club – Chuck Palahniuk
  • Spot’s Favourite Baby Animals – Eric HIll
  • Letters to Marina – Karel Newman
  • Dangerous Data – Lury Gibson
  • Extreme Digital Photography – ILEK
  • Carpe Jugulum – TP
  • First Statistics – Loveday – SE
  • The Koran – Translated by Rodwell
  • AMSTRAD GRAPHICS: The advanced user guide – Robert Ransom
  • The Robot Builder’s Bonanza: 99 Inexpensive Robotics Projects – Gordon McComb
  • The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
  • Children of Dune by Frank Herbert
  • The Conquest of Gaul by Julius Ceasar
  • On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
  • V for Vendetta by Alan Moore
  • Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein
  • Dune – Frank Herbert (for like the 5th time)
  • Life & Times of Michael K – J.M. Coetzee
  • The Magician’s Nephew – C.S. Lewis
  • Causa Justa by John Grisham (I have no idea what it’s called in English, story’s a bit boring atm, and I’m only half way through)
  • Various papers about machine translation
  • Various grammars of lesser-used languages
  • Last chance to see – Douglas Adams and Mark Carwadine
  • Lee Child series (Jack Reacher novels)
  • War Junkie – Jon Steel
  • Junky – William S. Burroughs
  • Shott’s Almanacs
  • DoD 5200.28-STD
  • DoD CSC-STD-[002-004]-85
  • NCSC-TG-[001-030] (cR4y0la)
  • Ian Rankin books

This list was getting stupid so I split most of it out to Ultima/books


  • A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin — Quite fun fantasy bwk, read it from Ferrets stash of .txt files…
  • The Tombs of Atuan, Ursula K. Le Guin — See above 🙂 the T-Mobile G1 is pretty good for reading e-books.


  • Deep Simplicity (Chaos, Complexity and the Emergence of Life), John Gribbin — Awesome-rad popular SCIENCE book, about: neato stuff to do with MATHS, and how it makes pretty patterns like LIFE and fractals
  • Compositional Evolution, Richard A. Watson — All about genetic algorithms and using symbiosis in crossover.
  • Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
  • Mort by Terry Prattchet