

<Aimaz> grl u rly gt me nw, o yeh, u rly gt me, u rly gt me, u gt me so i dn no wat m do n nw

‘I’ll retract my controversial statement and replace it by one which everyone will agree with’

Aimaz (aka Stephen Paulger) is a regular of AFNetChannelAber known for a remarkably bad style of humour, the jokes of which are now referred to as SteveJokes (MattJokes are the only jokes that are worse). You may also find Aimaz lurking on various other AFNet channels and on #ubuntu on freenode

Aimaz admits to liking; amongst many other things; cycling, photography, programming, reading, drinking ale, playing guitar, rock climbing, motorbiking and listening to music (not usually at the same time luckily). He denies liking fun however, some take this as joke about the inclusion of “fun” into interests on internet profiles, while others take his denial at face value.

Much to the amusement and confusion of native speakers Aimaz sometimes attempts to speak in Welsh, German or Spanish, of which he knows the equivalent of the first week of a Pimsleur course.

Aimaz is prone to writing small scripts which, although they are of no use to 99.9% (Disclaimer: Statistics are guesstimates) of the world’s population, he often decides to put on his suspiciously blog-like website which can be found at

Aimaz is often amused by the way some programmers code